
Four Famous Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate is the most important stage of Education as it decides the future of every student after completion of education. Undergraduate level is the stage where students choose their direction clearly. For selection of an undergraduate degree program, students should have a clear idea about his intent. Students should always select the undergraduate degree according to his taste and interest. At the undergraduate level, there are different degrees that students can choose according to their interests. Different undergraduate courses Mauritius have been offered by different reputable institutes that can be chosen to pursue the study.

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1.  Business Administration

Business administration is a good option for undergraduate students to pursue the study. If students find interest in administering business then this is a better option for students. Business students have commands in making business ideas for business development. If you have any idea about the business development then you should go for it. Business administration has vast dimensions as there is a wide range of business platforms and niches.

2.  Public Administration

Public administration is another option for the students that have administrating abilities. If the students find them good for public dealings then this option is best for these types of students. The students that have good ideas about managing the public meetings and have interest in dealing public issues must pursue their study in public administrations. Different undergraduate courses Mauritius can be availed that are primarily based on administration domains. Public administration has wide application because every department deals with the public for various purposes.

3.  Law and Criminal Justice

If any student has interest in social justice and he thinks that his case study can provide a better solution for social justice. He should pursue his career in this field. Five years undergraduate degree in Law and criminal justice can provide him direction to pursue his career. Law and criminal justice system is very wide. So, there are different niches in the law and criminal justice system that can be chosen to pursue the career.

4.  Marketing

Marketing is another field that is related to business growth and development. No business can grow without marketing. If any student has interest in marketing then he can pursue his study on undergraduate level in marketing. Marketing is a vast field that enables a person to present a wide range of ideas.


These are few common courses that have wide applications. For example, if somebody chooses BBA Mauritius the person can pursue his career in modern niches of business administration.


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